Annual benefit Society Ball [Geselschaftsball] given in aid of the Prague Institute for the Poor |
Žofín Island |
22-02-1857 |
Benefit concert given by pianist Alexander Dreyschock |
Žofín Island |
15-03-1857 |
Benefit concert given by Prague Conservatory in aid of the Private Society for the Support of the Prague Poor House |
Žofín Island |
23-04-1857 |
Benefit concert in aid of the Josefov Kindergarten [Josephstädter Kleinkinderbewahranstalt] |
Žofín Island |
25-04-1857 |
Benefit concert arranged by Marie Seebach in aid of the Private Society for the Benefit of the Franz-Josef Children's Hospital [Franz-Josef-Kinderspitals] |
Žofín Island |
05-05-1857 |
Requiem service arranged by the Society of Musical Artists [Jednota hudebních umělců / Tonkünstler-Gesellschaft] to commemorate late patrons and members of the Society |
St Francis's Church [Kostel svatého Františka] |
17-07-1857 |
General examinations for pupils of the Private Institute for the Blind |
Seminary Institute for the Blind |
20-07-1857 |
First benefit Garden Festival and Dance Reunion organized by Karlín Mayor's Office |
City of Leipzig Inn |
12-08-1857 |
Second benefit Garden Festival and Dance Reunion organized by Karlín Mayor's Office |
City of Leipzig Inn |
19-08-1857 |
Third benefit Garden Festival and Dance Reunion organized by Karlín Mayor's Office |
City of Leipzig Inn |
26-08-1857 |
Fourth benefit Garden Festival and Dance Reunion organized by Karlín Mayor's Office |
City of Leipzig Inn |
02-09-1857 |
Celebration of Mass to mark the 25th Anniversary of the founding of the Prague Seminary Institute for Adult Blind |
St Raphael's Chapel [Kaple svatého Rafaela] |
04-10-1857 |
Festival Thanksgiving service to mark the 50th Anniversary of the foundation of the Institute for the Blind |
Seminary Institute for the Blind |
02-12-1857 |
'Christbaumsfest' [Christmas tree festival] arranged by the Society for the Well-being of Needy Children [Vereins zum Wohle hilfsbedürftiger Kinder] |
Žofín Island |
24-12-1857 |
Musical rehearsal to Ball for the benefit of the Foundation for Tailors, [their] Widows and Orphans |
Žofín Island |
24-12-1857 |
Benefit Society Ball [Vereinsball] given in aid of Private Society for the Prague Poor House |
Žofín Island |
12-01-1858 |
First [annual] benefit Czech beseda given in aid of the building of a Czech Theatre |
Žofín Island |
25-01-1858 |
Annual ball given for benefit of the Emperor Franz Josef and Empress Elizabeth Foundation for poor Tailors, Widows and Orphans |
Žofín Island |
26-01-1858 |
Society Ball [Gesellschaftsball] given for the benefit of the Hradčany Institute for the Blind [Hradschiner Blinden-Institute] |
Žofín Island |
02-02-1858 |
Musical rehearsal for forthcoming Society Ball [Gesellschaftsball] to be given for the benefit of the Hradčany Institute for the Blind [Hradschiner Blinden-Institute] |
Žofín Island |
17-08-1858 |