Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Total matches: 125

Title Venue Date
Festival Ball to celebrate the unveiling in Prague of the Radetzky Monument Žofín Island 14-11-1858
Second [annual] benefit Czech beseda given in aid of the building of a Czech Theatre Žofín Island 08-12-1858
Society of Musical Artists [Jednota hudebních umělců / Tonkünstler-Gesellschaft] benefit concert in aid of the Prague Institute for the Widows and Orphans of Musical Artists Estates Theatre 23-12-1858
'Christbaumsfest' [Christmas tree festival] arranged by the Society for the Well-being of Needy Children [Vereins zum Wohle hilfsbedürftiger Kinder] Žofín Island 24-12-1858
Society Ball [Vereinsball] Žofín Island 12-01-1859
Benefit concert in aid of the reorganisation of the Prague Institute for the Poor Estates Theatre 25-03-1859
Benefit concert in aid of free meals for poor Prague law students Žofín Island 27-03-1859
Farewell matinée concert [Abschiedsmatinée] given by the actress Auguste Rudloff prior to her departured from Prague Žofín Island 15-04-1859
Society of Musical Artists [Jednota hudebních umělců / Tonkünstler-Gesellschaft] benefit concert in aid of the Prague Institute for the Widows and Orphans of Musical Artists Žofín Island 18-04-1859
Benefit concert in aid of the ‘Society against Cruelty to Animals’ Žofín Island 29-04-1859
Benefit concert given by the Private Society for the Support of the Prague Poor House Žofín Island 07-05-1859
Concert given by pupils of the Prague Military Music Institute Count Canal's Garden 02-06-1859
Benefit concert arranged by Josef Knotek and Eduard Gerstberger Spa Hall in the Little Quarter 04-12-1859
Benefit musical-declamatory Academy given in aid of the Reading Room for German Students Žofín Island 04-12-1859
Society of Musical Artists [Jednota hudebních umělců / Tonkünstler-Gesellschaft] benefit concert in aid of the Prague Institute for the Widows and Orphans of Musical Artists Žofín Island 23-12-1859
Benefit concert in aid of free meals for poor Prague law students Žofín Island 26-02-1860
Benefit concert in aid of the Academic Readers Society Žofín Island 10-03-1860
Benefit concert in aid of the [Prague] Seminary Institute for the Adult Blind Žofín Island 12-03-1860
Benefit concert in aid of [the Society of] Catholic Apprentices Žofín Island 22-03-1860
Concert given by pianist Eduard Gerstberger Žofín Island 24-03-1860