Total matches: 125
Title | Venue | Date |
Benefit concert in aid of poor students of the Prague Higher Gymnasia | Žofín Island | 26-04-1863 |
Benefit Musical-Dramatic Academy [Musikalisch-dramaischen Academie] given in aid of in aid of poor inhabitants of the Oře and Krkonoše Mountains | New Town Theatre [Novoměstské divadlo] | 30-06-1863 |
Benefit declamatory and singiing Beseda arranged by Prague Typographers in aid of the fund for ill Typographers | Žofín Island | 25-10-1863 |
Musical trial [Musikprobe] for Society Ball [Gesellschafts-Ball] to be held on 2/2/1864 | Žofín Island | 27-12-1863 |
Benefit concert given by pianist Eduard Gerstberger in aid of Institute for Italian Orphans | Žofín Island | 13-02-1864 |