Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Total matches: 125

Title Venue Date
Musical trial to the forthcoming Benefit ball in aid of the St Batholomew Poor House Žofín Island 19-02-1854
Benefit ball in aid of the St Bartholomew Poor House Žofín Island 23-02-1854
Benefit ball in aid of the Private Institute for the Support of the Prague Poor House Žofín Island 27-02-1854
Benefit musical academy in aid of the reorganized [Prague] Institute for the Poor Estates Theatre 25-03-1854
Benefit concert [Akademie] in aid of the [Prague] Seminary Institute for the Adult Blind Žofín Island 27-03-1854
Religious service to celebrate the wedding of the Emperor Franz Joseph Cathedral church of St Vitus [sv Vít] 24-04-1854
Festival and celebration of the marriage of the Emperor Franz Josef for members of the Institute for the Poor St James's Church [Kostel svatého Jakuba] 06-06-1854
Annual practical examinations for pupils of the Piano Institute of Celestin Müller and the Humanitarian Musical Society Žofín Island 22-07-1854
Celebration of mass given by Institute for the Accommodation and Employment of Adult Blind St Raphael's Chapel [Kaple svatého Rafaela] 18-08-1854
Memorial service give on the anniversary of the death of Alois Klár St Raphael's Chapel [Kaple svatého Rafaela] 04-10-1854
Requiem service for Count Karl Egon von Fürstenberg St Raphael's Chapel [Kaple svatého Rafaela] 30-10-1854
Funeral of Prague merchant and tradesman Johann Anton Rühnel Prague streets 26-11-1854
Benefit concert given by the singer Guglielmi Žofín Island 15-12-1854
Musical rehearsal to forthcoming ball on 4 February 1855 to benefit the Hradčany Institute for the Blind Žofín Island 06-01-1855
Benefit Society Ball [Vereinsball] given by the Private Society for the Support of the Prague Poor House Žofín Island 17-01-1855
Musical rehearsal to forthcoming Ball in aid of the Institute for the Poor Žofín Island 02-02-1855
Benefit ball in aid of the Prague Seminary Institute for the Blind Žofín Island 04-02-1855
Benefit Ball given in aid of the Institute for the Poor Žofín Island 18-02-1855
Benefit ball given in aid of the Prague Private Institute Prague Private Institute for the Education and Well-being of Poor Blind Children Žofín Island 02-02-1857
Concert given by the Ponta sisters Žofín Island 08-02-1857