Society Ball |
Žofín Island |
15-01-1851 |
Society Ball [Gesellschaftsball] given for the benefit of the Prague Private Institute for the Education and Well-being of Poor Blind Children |
Žofín Island |
02-02-1851 |
Benefit musical soirée given in aid of Society for Maimed Soldiers by ensemble of the Infantry Regiment of Baron von Wimpffen |
Konvikt |
05-02-1851 |
Fifth benefit beseda given in aid of the building of a Czech National Theatre |
Apollo Hall |
14-02-1851 |
Benefit concert given in aid of the Prague Institute for the Poor |
Estates Theatre |
25-03-1851 |
Benefit beseda in aid of the fund for the foundation of a National Theatre |
Apollo Hall |
01-06-1851 |
Benefit Ball given by the Prague [Civil] Sharpshooters Corps |
Apollo Hall |
17-08-1851 |
Benefit concert in aid of the Prague Institute for Infants |
unspecified |
18-08-1851 |
Benefit concert given in aid of the foundation of an Institute for Small Children |
Apollo Hall |
21-08-1851 |
Society of Musical Artists [Jednota hudebních umělců / Tonkünstler-Gesellschaft] benefit concert in aid of the Prague Institute for the Widows and Orphans of Musical Artists |
Žofín Island |
23-12-1851 |
Fourth benefit beseda given in aid of the building of a Czech National Theatre |
Apollo Hall |
07-01-1852 |
First benefit beseda given in aid of the building of a Czech National Theatre |
Apollo Hall |
17-01-1852 |
Second benefit beseda given in aid of the building of a Czech National Theatre |
Apollo Hall |
24-01-1852 |
Third benefit beseda given in aid of the building of a Czech National Theatre |
Apollo Hall |
31-01-1852 |
Second benefit beseda 'with dance and song' in aid of the [foundation of a Czech] National Theatre |
Hotel Archduke Stefan |
11-02-1852 |
Third benefit beseda 'with dance and song' in aid of the [foundation of a Czech] National Theatre |
Hotel Archduke Stefan |
19-02-1852 |
Benefit concert in aid of the Krombholz Foundation [der Krombholzischen Stiftung] |
Žofín Island |
04-01-1854 |
Musical trial for forthcoming benefit Society Ball [Gesellschaftsball] on 18/1/1854 in aid of the Private Society for the Support of the Prague Poor House |
Žofín Island |
08-01-1854 |
Benefit Society Ball [Gesellschaftsball] given by the Private Society for the Support of the Prague Poor House |
Žofín Island |
18-01-1854 |
Musical trial for the forthcoming Ball for the Benefit of the Institute for the Care and Employment of the Blind |
Žofín Island |
02-02-1854 |