Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Název události:

Annual ball given for benefit of the Emperor Franz Josef and Empress Elizabeth Foundation for poor Tailors, Widows and Orphans

Místo konání: Žofín Island (Žofín Hall)

Typ akce: Popular social musical and dance events

Datum: 26/01/1858

Sézona: Carnival

příjemce: Fund for impoverished Master-tailors

Programme unspecified:


The Prague German-language newspaper Tagesbote aus Böhmen 10/12/1857 published advance news of this event, noting: ‘The annual Ball for the Benefit of the Emperor Franz Josef and Empress Elizabeth Foundation for poor Tailors, [their] wives and orphans will take place during the next arnival on 26th January. The musical rehearsal is arranged for 24th December on Žofín Island.’

Přehled zdrojů:

Tagesbote aus Böhmen (10/12/1857)