Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Total matches: 5810

Title Venue Date
Music rehearsal for the Children's Ball arranged by Mr Pohl Žofín Island 01-01-1850
Concert given by Miss Sulzer Platýz 01-01-1850
Memorial service given to commemorate deceased members of the Jewish Charitable Society [Israelitische Nächstenliebeverein] New Jewish Synagogue 05-01-1850
Musical trial for forthcoming Lenners' Society Ball [Gesellschaftsball] Spa Hall in the Little Quarter 06-01-1850
Dance-reunion with music given by ensemble of the 7th Battalion of the Civil Guard [National Garde Prags] Konvikt 07-01-1850
Society Ball for the benefit of the [Prague] Poor House Žofín Island 09-01-1850
First concert given by the newly founded Patriotic Music Society [vaterländische Musikverein] Žofín Island 12-01-1850
First dance-reunion given by Prague dance master Feigert Konvikt 15-01-1850
Second dance-reunion given by Prague dance master Feigert Konvikt 22-01-1850
Festival mass given to celebrate the birthday of the Archduchess Sophie St James's Church [Kostel svatého Jakuba] 26-01-1850
Children's and Society Ball [Kinder- und Gesellschaftsball] arranged by Mr Lenners Spa Hall in the Little Quarter 28-01-1850
Third dance-reunion given by Prague dance master Feigert Konvikt 29-01-1850
Garrison Ball [Garnisonsball] Žofín Island 30-01-1850
Musical trial for forthcoming Society Ball [Gesellschaftsball] given by dance teacher Ružička Platýz 02-02-1850
Society Ball for the benefit of the Prague Private Institute for the Education and Well-being of Poor Blind Children Žofín Island 03-02-1850
Fourth dance-reunion given by Prague dance master Feigert Konvikt 05-02-1850
Society Ball [Gesellschafts-Ball] given by dance teacher Ružička Platýz 09-02-1850
Dance-reunion given by dance master Feigert Konvikt 12-02-1850
First evening musical entertainment given by the Music Institute of Jiránek Platýz 17-02-1850
First evening musical entertainments given by [pupils of the Music Institute of] J. Proksch Music Institute of Josef Proksch 17-02-1850