Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Název události:

Musical entertainment given by String Orchestra of the Infantry Regiment of King Wilhelm I of Prussia

Místo konání: Konvikt

Typ akce: Popular social musical and dance events

Datum: 22/02/1863

Sézona: Lent

Programme unspecified:

  • musical ensemble of Royal Infantry Regiment of Wilhelm I, King of Prussia: participating orchestra, str orch
  • LEWENGLY, Z: director of ensemble


Details of this event was published in the daily news section of Národní listy 22/2/1863. The source reported: ‘Lenten entertainments [Postní zábavy]. For the whole of Lent musical entertainment will take place in the Konvikt Hall each Sunday and holiday, in which will participate the well-known orchestra of the Royal Infantry Regiment of the King of Prussia Vilém I. First of these entertainments already takes place today.’

Národní listy 22/2/1863 also published an advertisement for this event giving a further indication of the type of entertainment and occasion. Notable was the reference to the evening aiming to be free of politics and hence, presumably, national biased. The source announced:

In Hall
at the Konvikt
Today first social
 equality but without politics [rovnoprávný ale bez politiky]
performing large
string orchestra
of the esteemed Infantry Regiment
King Vilém I.,
personally directed by kapelník Mr
Commencing at 6 o’clock.    Admission 20kr.

Přehled zdrojů:

Národní listy (22/02/1863)
Národní listy (22/02/1863)