Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Event title:

Ball given by the Prague Civil Sharpshooters Corps

Venue: Žofín Island (Žofín Hall)

Event type: Popular social musical and dance events

Date: 23/02/1857

Season: Carnival

Programme unspecified:

General participants:
  • Orchestra of the Prague Civil Sharpshooters Corps: participating orchestra
  • KOMZÁK, Karel: director of ensemble


Mercy’s Anzeiger 9/1/1857 reported that ‘Sunday 11th January will take place in the Žofín Hall the musical trial for the Sharpshooters-Reunion on 23rd February, at which all-new dance compositions will be performed by the newly organized ensemble of the Royal Warranted Prague Civil Sharpshooters Corps, which is appearing for the first time, under the personal direction of First Kapellmeister Mr Karel Komzák.’

A report appeared in
Mercy’s Anzeiger 22/02/1857 relating that ‘Tomorrow Monday takes place in the Hall of the Žofín Island the Ball arranged by the Royal Warranted Civil Sharpshooters Corps.’ The event would, it was said, rank among the first of such Ball-festivals being given in Prague through the elegant arrangements by the Ball Committee.

An unsigned review was published by Mercy’s Anzeiger 25/2/1857. The correspondent reported that ‘
The Ball of the Sharpshooters Corps, which took place the day before yesterday in the Žofín Hall was a worthy final celebration of the carnival season. The large and the small halls [of the Hall] were very nicely and tastefully decorated with white and rose-red draperies. In the window niches there were busts of their Imperial-Royal Majesties between the flowers and bushes. In the small hall statues of Amor and Terpsichore were placed; they too were surrounded by plants. The very select society was so numerous that the venue was almost overcrowded. Therefore, special thanks need to be made to the endeavours of the ball committee, who... [arranged the event] with such an exemplary orderliness that not the tiniest disturbance occurred. The entertainment was very lively and unrestrained. At the entrance the ladies were handed over the dance programme, in the form of the wonderful ‘powder horn’ that was gifted to the Sharpshooters Corps by his Imperial Majesty. The musical pieces were performed very precisely by the newly organised band of the Corps under the direction of Kapellmeister Komsak [Komzák].’

Summary of sources:

Mercy's Anzeiger für Böhmen (09/01/1857)
Mercy's Anzeiger für Böhmen (22/02/1857)
Mercy's Anzeiger für Böhmen (25/02/1857)