Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881


Ball arranged by the Prague dance-master Pohl

Aufführungsort: Žofín Island (Žofín Hall)

Programmsorte: Popular social musical and dance events

Datum: 24/01/1855

Spielzeit: Carnival

Wohltäter: Pohl,A.

Programme unspecified:

  • POHL, A.: dance master


Mercy’s Anzeiger 13/12/1854 reported that the dance master Pohl was arranging a Ball in the forthcoming Carnival season, on 24th January in the Žofín Hall, ‘there is reason to expect that just as with his predecessor it will be attended by an elegant and charming society.’ The predecessor arranging a similar event in previous years was not specified. Possibly it would have been the equally popular Prague dance master Feigert.

Zusammenfassung der Quellen:

Mercy's Anzeiger für Böhmen (13/12/1854)