Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Podrobnosti o osobě

Antonio Bazzini

Bazzini, Antonio (1818-1897). Italian violinist and composer. Toured widely throughout Europe as a violinist, eventually settling in Milan. In 1867 composed and produced an opera there, Turanda. In 1873 became Professor of Composition at the Milan Conservatoire and then 9 years later its Director. His compositions also include 2 large scale canatas, orchestral works and much chamber music. Tagesbote aus Böhmen 10/12/1857 reported that ‘The splendid violinist and composer Bazzini, Royal Austrian Chambervirtuoso [k.k. Oesterreichischer Kammervirtuos], has already arrived here, and intends to give a concert during the next few days.’