Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Event title:

Musical trial given by the Lőcze Musical Society

Venue: Konvikt

Event type: Popular social musical and dance events

Date: 05/01/1851 5pm

Programme unspecified:

General participants:
  • Lőcze Musical Society [Loczer Musikgesellschaft]: participating ensemble
  • KÁLOZDY, Johann: director of ensemble


The Tagesanzeiger text of Bohemia 5/1/1851 specified that on Sunday 5th January: ‘Afternoon 5 o’ clock in Konvikt Hall: Music trial [Musikprobe].’ This event was probably that which had been reported by this periodical in news published in the previous issue on 3/1/1851. Then, a correspondent reported that ‘We had the opportunity to attend a musical trial of the Loczer Hungarian Musical Society [der Loczer ungarischen Musikgesellschaft] under the leadership of its Kapellmeister Mr J. Kálozdy, and have to confess astonishment at the precision and fire with which the so-called Society rendered their pieces. The musical public of Prague is by all means able to anticipate a pleasant entertainment.’ The text then noted that the ensemble was originally to have appeared in the Estates Theatre, but neither the Intendant nor the Theatre director had the authority to permit this. Therefore, for the time being performances would alternate between Žofín Island and in the Konvikt Hall. As we are aware, the first concert will take place next Sunday [5/1/1851].’ Given that another event took place at the Žofín Hall on that date, and the Tagesanzeiger listing of events taking place on 5th January specified simply ‘Konvikt Hall ... Musikprobe’, this has been assumed to refer to the event involving the Hungarian ‘Musikgesellschaft’ on that day. This ‘Society’ constituted a performing ensemble of 15 string and wind players. More specific details of the group were noted in the Bohemia 7/1/1851 review of their appearance in the Žofín Hall on 4th January.

That the ensemble performed in the Konvikt Hall on 5th January was also indicated by Prager Zeitung 3/1/1851, which reported that the ‘Loczer ungarische Musikgesellschaft’ directed by its Kapellmeister Mr Joh. Kálozdy would give concerts on Saturday [4th January] in the Žofín Hall and on Sunday [5th January] in the Konvikt Hall. The renowned ‘precision and vivacity’ of the ensemble was thought to merit the full attention of the public. The members of the society were noted to be Hungarian and would give the first part of the concerts in national costume. Prager Zeitung 4/1/1851 announced that the ensemble would perform in the Žofín Hall in 5th January, and that a large audience was to be expected.

The ensemble appeared frequently in Prague musical entertainments during the following days. Bohemia 10/1/1851 published news that their ‘sixth and seventh evening concerts’ were to take place on 11th and 12th January respectively.

Summary of sources:

Prager Zeitung (03/01/1851)
Bohemia, ein Unterhaltungsblatt (03/01/1851)
Prager Zeitung (04/01/1851)
Bohemia, ein Unterhaltungsblatt (05/01/1851)
Bohemia, ein Unterhaltungsblatt (10/01/1851)