Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881


Second annual concert given by the Humanitarian Music Society and the Music Institute of Cölestin Müller

Aufführungsort: Žofín Island (Žofín Hall)

Programmsorte: Art music culture

Datum: 02/04/1854

Spielzeit: Lent

Programme unspecified:

  • Music Institute of Celestin Müller [Humanitarian Music Society]: participating institution


In response to general inquiries Cölestin Müller, the Director of the Humanitarian Musical Society and of his own private music institute, announced in a notice published by Mercy’s Anzeiger 4/3/1854 that all admission tickets for the first concert of the Society were sold out. The concert was to take place on 5/3/1854 [in the Hall] on Žofín Island. Tickets were available to members of the Society for the second concert to take place on 2nd April, and for the third in May. Mercy’s Anzeiger 31/3/1854 published a similar notice, announcing that since there had not been sufficient admission tickets for all members of the Humanitarian Musical Society who wished to attend the Society’s first annual concert on 5th March, tickets were available to Society members for the second concert on 2/4/1854 and could be obtained from the Institute itself. The notice was again undersigned by Cölestin Müller.

Zusammenfassung der Quellen:

Mercy's Anzeiger für Böhmen (31/03/1854)