Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881


Ball given at [the Palace of] His Excellency the Prince Karlos Auersperg

Aufführungsort: Auersperg Palace

Programmsorte: Personal and private musical events

Datum: 03/02/1863 pm

Spielzeit: Carnival

Programme unspecified:


Prager Morgenpost 5/2/1863 publised a report, signed ‘=’, of this event, noting: ‘The day before last there took place in the Salon of the President of the House of Lords [des Präsidenten des Herrenhauses], His Excellency the Prince Karlos Auersperg (in the Palace in the Little Quarter), a Festival Ball, which was distinguished by its aristocratic grandeur and elegance. In the tastefully decorated apartments were to be found gathering the most brilliant names among the representatives of the Bohemian aristocracy. Present at this festival were the highest civil and military authorities...’ They were listed as comprising the Governor Vice-President [Statthaltereivizepräsident] Baron Kellersperg, as well as His Excellency the Estates Commander [Landeskommandirende]General of the Cavalry Count Clam-Gallas. There were also present deputies of the local government, Professor Brinz, Dr Herbst, Professor von Hafner, the local Estates President Steffens, Baron Riese-Stallburg, Count von Kopetz, Bachofen von Echt, Dr Schmeykal, Dr Hanisch and others. Count Clam-Martinitz [Clam Martinic] was also present, as well as Karlos Auersperg. The event continued into the early hours of the morning and was, as the report noted, the second such event to be given at this venue during the Carnival season. No details of the musical content of the occasion, the programme or details of the performing ensemble, were noted.

Zusammenfassung der Quellen:

Prager Morgenpost (05/02/1863)