Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881


The Prague Concert Life Database is privately owned, hosted and maintained; it is not connected with any institution or funding body, and is not a charitable organisation. All work on populating and editing the database is done by myself without salary or remuneration. While the database contains many thousands of records, it still covers only about a quarter of its intended timespan...

If you have found the Prague Concert Life Database useful, if you are inspired by its content, work and aims, then please consider gifting a donation or becoming a Patron. A one-off donation through Paypal contributes towards hosting and maintenance costs and helps the database grow.

Alternatively, by becoming a Patron through a small regular donation you can help our resource grow and expand, spanning further years and covering many more sources. As a thank you will receive:

  • A regular newsletter outlining latest database coverage and newly-discovered points of interest from newly-worked sources
  • An invitation to provide a search tag for any particular topic of interest to you – you will then be alerted whenever any related new information is added to the database.
  • The option of your name being added to a list of Patrons

With many thanks for your support,
Karl Stapleon []

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