Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Venue details

Venue name: Spa Hall in the Little Quarter

No description (Spa venue)

Date Event Venue Event type
06-01-1850 Musical trial for forthcoming Lenners' Society Ball [Gesellschaftsball] Rehearsals and music trials
28-01-1850 Children's and Society Ball [Kinder- und Gesellschaftsball] arranged by Mr Lenners Popular social musical and dance events
12-01-1851 Musical trial for forthcoming Children's and Society Ball [Gesellschaftsball] of Mr Lenners on 3/2/1851 Rehearsals and music trials
03-02-1851 Children's and Society Ball [Kinder- und Gesellschaftsball] arranged by Mr Lenners Popular social musical and dance events
17-07-1851 Musical entertainment given by the Žofín Academy Art music culture
13-09-1854 Musical entertainment given by unspecified sextet Popular social musical and dance events
18-12-1857 Ball given by [ensemble] of the Royal Infantry Regiment of Archduke Ernst Popular social musical and dance events
03-10-1858 Dance entertainment with music given by ensemble of the Civil Infantry Corps Popular social musical and dance events
04-12-1859 Benefit concert arranged by Josef Knotek and Eduard Gerstberger Art music culture
19-01-1863 Ball arranged by the student association 'Austria' Popular social musical and dance events