Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Event title:

Musical entertainment [Concert-music] given at the Civic Society

Venue: Civic Society [Měšťanská beseda / Bürger-Ressource]

Event type: Personal and private musical events

Date: 23/11/1854

Programme unspecified:


Mercy’s Anzeiger 23/11/1854 published a public notice announcing ‘Today 23rd [November] takes place in the Civic Society [Bürger-Ressource] Concert-music [Concert-Musik].’ No further details were given by this source. The event was presumably given for members of the Civic Society [Bürger-Ressource / Měšťanská beseda] and so the database record has been categorised under private occasions.

Summary of sources:

Mercy's Anzeiger für Böhmen (23/11/1854)