Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Event title:

Festival ball entitled 'Hail the Royal Couple [Hoch lebe das Kaiserpaar!]'

Venue: Apollo Hall (Apollo Hall)

Event type: Popular social musical and dance events

Date: 24/04/1854

Programme unspecified:

General participants:
  • FEIGERT, Friedrich: dance master


Tagesbote aus Böhmen 21/4/1854 reported that ‘Under the title: “Hail the Royal couple [Hoch lebe das Kaiserpaar!]” will be arranged on the 24th April by Mr Feigert a great Festival ball in the Apollo Hall.’ Mercy’s Anzeiger 23/4/1854 reported that ‘Many festivals and balls are being arranged by private individuals for the Celebration of the Marriage of his Royal Apostolic Majesty [Franz Joseph].’ Among those listed was the arrangement by Mr Feigert on Monday of a festival in the Apollo Hall with the title ‘A great Friendly-Ball-Festival “Hoch lebe das Kaiserpaar”.’

Summary of sources:

Tagesbote aus Böhmen (21/04/1854)
Mercy's Anzeiger für Böhmen (23/04/1854)