Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Podrobnosti o místě konání

Jméno: St James's Church [Kostel svatého Jakuba]

Venue rooms (type): Monastary Hall (Monastary), Church (Church)

Church and Monastary of St James the Great. Located on the corner of Malá Štupartská ulice and Jakubská ulice in the Old Town [German street names in the middle nineteenth century: Stuparts Gasse and Jacobs Gasse]. Originally built in the 13th century as the church of the Minorite friary. Destroyed by fire in 1366 and rebuilt in Gothic style, then remodelled between 1689 and 1736.

Saint James’s Church - Kostel svatého Jakuba Většího / Jakobskirche / Pfarrkirche bei St. Jakob

See also:

Events taking place at this venue (32)