Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Název události:

Second annual dance-reunion [dance entertainment] of the Prague Civil Sharpshooters Corps

Místo konání: Žofín Island (Žofín Hall)

Typ akce: Popular social musical and dance events

Datum: 22/01/1863

Sézona: Carnival

Programme unspecified:

  • Orchestra of the Prague Civil Sharpshooters Corps: participating orchestra


Prager Morgenpost 6/1/1863 reported that ‘The Reunions [Reunionen] of the Prague Warranted Sharpshooters Corps during the forthcoming Carnival will take place on 15th, 22nd and 29th January of this year.’

Národní listy 6/1/1863 published an advertisment announcing admission tickets to the three dance entertainments and ball given by the Prague Sharpshooters: ‘Admission tickets to three dance entertainments and ball which the Royal Warranted ensemble of Prague Sharpshooters arranges on 15th, 22nd, 29th January and 11th February in Žofín Hall, it is possible to obtain in the office of the Sharpshooters in [the house] Stará rychta nr.404-I [in the street Na Můstuku in the Old Town].’
The advertisement was repeated in the issues of the newspaper dated 8/1/1863, 11/1/1863, 15/1/1863 and 21/1/1863.

Národní listy 7/1/1863 reported in its section of daily news: ‘Great Ball of the local ensemble of Sharpshooters will be on 11th February in Žofín Hall; lesser entertainments by that ensemble will be on 15th, 22nd and 29th January.’

Přehled zdrojů:

Prager Morgenpost (06/01/1863)
Národní listy (06/01/1863)
Národní listy (08/01/1863)
Národní listy (11/01/1863)
Národní listy (15/01/1863)
Národní listy (21/01/1863)