Institution Details
Name: Children's Hospital at St Lazarus
Children’s Hospital at St Lazarus. Hospital for sick children conceived, founded and managed during the 1850s by Dr Löschner and supported by gifts from wealthy benefactors such as the Emperor Ferdinand [Bohemia 14/5/1850 contained a notice of thanks from Löschner for Ferdinand’s gift of 200 fl]. Demolished along with the neighbouring church at the beginning of the twentieth century. Mercy’s Anzeiger 4/10/1854 reported news of the official inauguration of the hospital, which took place on 3/10/1854. The report also noted that it had opened on 1st August 1853 with 85 children and that on 3/10/1854 numbered 38 ill children. On 2/12/1854 Mercy’s Anzeiger reported that with the good will of the ‘His Royal Apostolic Majesty the name ‘Franz-Joseph-Kinderspital’ has been adopted.’
Children’s Hostpital at St Lazarus - Dětská nemocnice u svatého Lazara / Kinderhospital bei St. Lazarus
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