Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Event title:

Arrival at Bubeneč Station of His Majesty the Emperor Ferdinand

Venue: Bubeneč railway station

Event type: State or civil events

Date: 27/10/1857 12 noon

Programme unspecified:

General participants:
  • ensemble of the Royal Infantry Regiment of Baron Wernhardt: participating ensemble


Tagesbote aus Böhmen 29/10/1857 published news of the arrival back in Prague of the Emperor Ferdinand from his annual summer sojourn in Ploškovice. The report noted: ‘His Majesty the Emperor Ferdinand returned to Prague from the Most High Summer Residence of Ploschkowitz. His Majesty arrived at 12 noon by private train at Bubeneč Station and was there welcomed reverently by the high Civil and Military Authorities. In the festively decorated Station there was on parade the honorary company of Royal Infantry Regiment of Baron Werhardt with the musical ensemble of that Regiment. After His Majesty inspected and dismissed the troops, and addressed with gracious words some of the assembled authorities present, His Majesty was driven in the awaiting court carriage to the Imperial Palace. – In the evening a great Serenade with a torchlit parade was held in the courtyard of the Imperial Castle, performed by the military music ensembles present here in Prague. – Her Majesty the Empress Maria Anna arrives in Prague today.’  

Summary of sources:

Tagesbote aus Böhmen (29/10/1857)