Venue name: Waldstein Palace [Valdštejnský palác]
Venue rooms (type): Waldstein Hall [Knights Hall] (Private residences), Waldstein Garden [Valdštejnská zahrada] (Gardens and Outdoor venues), Riding School (Gardens and Outdoor venues)
Waldstein Palace. The most expansive and sumptuous of Prague Baroque palaces, it was planned by the most fashionable Italian architects and constructed in 1624-1630 for the noble Albrecht von Wallenstein. Venue for public and private musical events during the nineteenth century, both in the palace and in the gardens, adjacent to which was a riding school. The school was used as the venue for the dance entertainment that rounded off the visit to Prague of the Emperor Franz Joseph in June 1854. The Waldstein Hall was also a location for exhibitions of painting.
Waldstein Palace - Valdštejnský palác / Zahrada Valdštejnského paláce / Valdštejnská jízdarna / Waldstein Palais / Waldstein Garten / Waldstein’schen Reitchule / Waldstein Garden
See also: