Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Person details

Antonín Apt


Antonín Apt (1815-1887), an accomplished amateur Prague musician who helped found and directed throughout its twenty-five year existence one of the most important and progressive Prague musical institutions of the mid-nineteenth century, the Cecilia Society. This body drew together both professional and dilettante local musicians in a series of three or four well-produced annual choral and/or orchestral concerts. Its programmes were astonishingly varied in content, ranging from radical contemporary works to compositions of a century earlier. Apt won the respect and admiration of visiting artists, most notably Wagner and Berlioz, and his ability as a conductor was recognized when he was approached by the Prague Conservatory to conduct its own annual concerts when its then director was indisposed.

Events in which this person participated as a director of ensemble

Events in which this person participated as a director of institute