Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Person details

August, rytíře z Adelburgů

Adelburg August, Count von

Adelburgů, August Count von. Czech composer. Residing in Prague during the early 1850s. He apparently left the city for Leipzig in early 1857, the Prague German-language newspaper Tagesbote aus Böhmen 29/1/1857 reporting that ‘The composer Count von Adelburg has departed from here for Leipzig.’ Soon after he returned, appearing in public concerts as both violinist and composer. He then, according to Tagesbote aus Böhmen 25/4/1857, left again following a farewell benefit concert that was given on 25/4/1857, apparently to travel via Vienna to Constantinople to visit his relatives. This issue of the newspaper included an enthusiastic eulogy to his musical talents (see database record of concert on 25/4/1857). Von Adelburg’s time in Constantinople was later reported by Tagesbote aus Böhmen 16/8/1857: ‘As we gather from a letter from Constantinople, Count von Adelburg, to whom we referred often in the last concert season, has played several of his compositions by the Sultan, and was appointed an Officer of the Order of Medjidie. Also, the Sultan accepted the dedication of a Bosphorus Symphony from the said musician...’ The keen interest of the Prague press continued with Tagesbote aus Böhmen 20/10/1857 reporting that ‘The composer and virtuoso Mr Count von Adelburg has returned from his Turkish journey, whose success is known to have adorned him with the Medjidje Medal, and he intends to spend the winter in Prague and to show off some of his major orchestral works to the musical audience, through which he became known in the previous season through his Symphony and Romantische Ouvertur.’

Events in which this person was a composer:

Events in which this person participated as a soloist