Eduard Tauwitz
Tauwitz, Eduard (1812-1894). Czech conductor and composer. Appointments directing opera performances in German houses in Riga and Breslau [German name then current, then Wrocław] before settling in Prague and becoming second Kapellmeister of the Estates Theatre (1846-1863). In 1863 he became director of the Žofín Academy, a post that he held for the remainder of his life. Although active as a composer, his works including songs, choruses, and an effective clarinet quintet, as a proponent of Germanic musical factions in middle- to late-nineteenth-century Prague his effective and interesting output is little known and awaits reappraisal. Tagesbote aus Böhmen 9/10/1857 reported that Tauwitz had recently been awarded third prize in a competition sponsored by the Silesian music publisher A. Appun in Bunzlau [Bolesławiec] in Lower Silesia for his song Der Traurige Wanderer.
Dalibor 10/3/1863, demonstrating Czech-nationalist antipathy to Tauwitz, reported: ‘Second kapelník of the German Theatre, Mr E. Tauwitz, who is entrenched in antipathy to Czech nationality, yet is richly talented as a composer but indifferent as a kapelník, has been dismissed by director Fr. Thomé for the reason of a quarrel that these men have had between themselves.’