Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Institution Details

Name: Prague Institute for the Poor [St Bartholomew Poor House]

Prague Institute for the Poor. Charitable institution for the support of the poor of Prague, incorporating the Institute for the Poor (Armeninstitute) and the St Bartholomew Poor-house (St. Bartholomäus-Armenhause). Located during the 1850s and 1860s in the vicinity of Bartholomějská ulice [Bartholomew Street] in the New Town. Although working for the poor and funded through charitable donations and through the proceeds of musical productions, the institute still had to pay annually the Prague police-directorate for a licence to arrange musical and other events open to the public. In 1854 Mercy’s Anzeiger 12/5/1854 reported that this cost 8fl, presumably for each event. On 18/6/1854 the newspaper reported that the licence for the Institute cost 8fl 50kr. On 10/8/1854 Mercy’s Anzeiger published news that the Institute during the preceeding months [for the year] had gross earnings of 1391fl 15kr of which 171fl 8kr had to be paid for music and events licenses to the Royal Police. On 12/9/1854 Mercy’s Anzeiger reported that in the month of August this amounted to 223fl 16kr. Mercy’s Anzeiger 14/10/1854 reported that from 1st January 1854 the licences had cost 2435fl 8kr, the most expensive being March at 904fl 18kr and the least in April at 69fl 1kr. Of these sums 2366fl 7kr came from the Institute for the Poor and 69fl 1kr from the St Bartholomew Poor-house.

Institute for the Poor - Ústav pro chudé / Prager Armeninstitute
St Bartholomew Poor House - Bartholomäi-Armenhaus

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