Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Event title:

Practical examinations for children of the Josefov Small-Children's Kindergarten

Venue: Josefov Small-Children's Kindergarten

Event type: Examinations and didactic events

Date: 07/11/1854

Programme including:

General participants:
  • Children of the Josefov Kindergarten: participating ensemble, vv
UNSPECIFIED, ? : unspecified German children's songs, vv
UNSPECIFIED, ? : unspecified Czech children's song, vv
HAYDN, Franz Joseph : Austrian national anthem, vv


Mercy’s Anzeiger 7/11/1854 published a review of examinations open to guests that were held for children of this Kindergarten on the occasion of the Nameday of the Institute’s Protector Count Chotek (on 4th November). The newspaper critic reported: ‘On Sunday at 11am in the Josefov Small-Children-Institute the Nameday festival of its Protector, Count Carl Chotek, were the examinations for pupils, given in the presence of a numerous assembly of guests in the hall festively decorated with portraits of Their Royal Majesties the Emperors Ferdinand and Franz Joseph, of Her Majesty the Empress Elisabeth, as well as of the high patrons. After the opening Blessing the examinations began of the children (comprising 70 boys and 60 girls) in the subjects and lessons given in the Institute that had been conducted during the year by the teacher Mr Newiklof, the results being shown in both the physical and spiritual training of the lttle ones. This was demonstrated particularly tellingly in the two national languages in [tests involving] counting on the abacus and in the composition of simple sentences and spelling, in which both subjects the children demonstrated in the day a great fluency. One of the girls gave very prettily a little speech for the festival. The singing of German and Czech children’s songs in a chorus left a touching impression. To end the first and the last strophes of the national anthem were sung.’ The correspondent remarked that the directors of the Institute could not receive high enough praise for their work, particularly Dr Kerpal of the Institute’s commitee.

Summary of sources:

Mercy's Anzeiger für Böhmen (07/11/1854)