Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Event title:

Musical entertainment given in the proximity of new 'great art gaslit tableau' [grossartigen Gasbeleuchtungs-Tableaus] erected to celebrate the unveiling of the Radetzky Monument

Venue: Josefské náměstí

Parent Event:
Musical entertainment given by Kopta's Sextet

Event type: Popular social musical and dance events

Date: 13/11/1858

Programme unspecified:

General participants:
  • unspecified military music ensemble: participating ensemble


The Prager Zeitung 12/11/1858 report noted that a military music ensemble would perform many musical items in the proximity of this specially designed and constructed art ‘tableau’, created as part of the festival to mark the unveiling of the Radetzky Monument. The tableau, erected at the expense of Steffek and Friedland [two local wealthy businessmen], was constructed on a wooden frame in Josephsplatz [Josefské náměstí, now Náměstí republiky]. Specially made ‘very pliable’ iron tubes were made to a unique design at the local gasworks for use with the creation. Whether this was the final site of the tableau was unspecified but presumably so since the Radetzky Monument itself was on the other side of the Vltava river in the vicinity of the Kleinseitner Ringplatz [Malostranské náměstí]. The ceremony, attended by the Emperor Franz Josef, to unveil the new monument took place at 11am on Saturday 13/11/1858. Preparations were widely reported in Prague newspapers in the days leading up to the event, and in particular in the official newspaper Prager Zeitung on 9/11/1858 and daily until after the ceremony.

News of the unveiling of the Radetzky Monument was published by Mercy’s Anzeiger as early as 19/1/1857, when the newspaper reported that the unveiling of the momument was to take place in March 1857.

Summary of sources:

Mercy's Anzeiger für Böhmen (19/01/1857)
Prager Zeitung (12/11/1858)