Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Event title:

Great soirée [ein grosse Soirée], musical entertainment including unspecified orchestra of Komsak [Komzák]

Venue: Restaurant on the Bastion by the Station

Event type: Popular social musical and dance events

Date: 28/10/1858 5pm

Programme including:

General participants:
  • KOMZÁK, Karel: director of ensemble
  • unspecified orchestra of Karel Komzák: participating orchestra
UNSPECIFIED, ? : 2 unspecified works, flügelhorn
     • Czansty, Franz : flügelhorn
UNSPECIFIED, ? : unspecified works, str orch


The Prager Morgenpost 28/10/1858 advertisement noted that the travelling flügelhorn player Franz Czansty would through his favour for Komsak’s [Komzák’s] orchestra perform two pieces on the flügelhorn. After announcing that good food, coffee and drink was available at the venue, the advertisment stated that the event began at 5pm and admission would be 6kr. Programmes were available free at the ticket office.

The edition of Dalibor published on 28/10/1858 noted that ‘Military bandmaster, Mr Th[eodor] Svoboda has arrived in Prague and intends to give a concert on the Flügelhorn.’ Whether this bears any relation to the flügelhorn player anounced on the same day by Prager Morgenpost cannot be determined. These two reports obviously seem to be referring to two different performers, although the lack of information about either individual in subsequent sources may suggest an innaccuracy in one of these publications, or possibly the individual also employed a pseudonym.

Summary of sources:

Dalibor, hudební časopis s měsíční notovou přílohou (28/10/1858)
Prager Morgenpost (28/10/1858)