Venue: Konvikt
Parent Event:
Musical entertainment given by Kopta's Sextet
Event type: Art music culture
Date: 25/06/1854 12noon
Season: Summer
News of this event was first published in Mercy’s Anzeiger on 9/6/1854. The source noted: ‘It is reported that Mr Soukup is proposing to arrange a concert in the Konvikt Hall on 10th June for the Festival of the Visit of Their Royal Majesties [to Prague], and at which will participate also Misses Meyer, Lechner [Lechnerová] and Dr Schmid.’ A news supplement was published with the newspaper on 9/6/1854 also announcing that ‘the previously reported’ concert of Mr Soukup will take place on 13th June in the Konvikt Hall. The programme and participants were then listed in projected performance order.
This concert was cancelled on 13th June, Mercy’s Anzeiger 13/6/1854 reporting that it was not taking place, but did not identify the cause of the cancellation. On 20/6/1854 the newspaper then reported in its general news section that this concert by Soukup which had been postponed would take place on ‘25th June (Sunday) at 12 noon in the Hall on the Žofín Island.’ The report included no reference to the event having been conceived in connection to the royal visit. A notice was also published in the advertisement section of that issue of the newspaper announcing that the concert would be given on 25th June at 12noon, and that admission cards could be purchased from the art and music shop of the widow of Joh. Hoffmann and from the box office on the day. Entry to seats in the circle cost 1fl, standing places in the circle were 30kr and in the gallery 20kr.