‘!!!All Spainsh!!!
Friedrich Feigert
arranges on Carnival-Monday
27th February 1854
in the
Konvikt Hall
A Ball’
The source the noted that ‘at 12noon there will take place a comic Dance Divertissement with the title ‘Der Carneval in Madrid’ or ‘Eine Pepita gegen 10 Camaras. A Carnival-tale with all sorts of practical jokes, consisting of sketches, tableaux, comic dances etc. etc., performed by the above named and his pupils. Also Papa Feigert will perform with his 4-year old son a Chinese Parapluis-dance, Tsching, Tschang, Tschunk. Marie and Friederike Feigert will give „El Ole“ [presumably El Olé] and „Madrilena“ for the last time.’ The advertisment was repeated on 27/2/1854.