Venue: Konvikt
Event type: Art music culture
Date: 19/02/1854 12noon
Season: Carnival
Mercy’s Anzeiger 18/2/1854 published an advertisement for this ‘second and last concert of the pianist Miss Henriette Fritz from Vienna.’ The source reported the date, time, venue, programme in performance order and participants. Ticket prices were 2fl to the circle, salon 1fl and gallery 30kr, and were available from the music shop of Hoffmann’s widow, from the bookshop of H. Mercy and from the venue box office.
Der Tagesbote 20/2/1854 published a brief unsigned review of this event, reporting that ‘we have to admire the excellent precision and dignity of the performances of the concert-giver, who with rare delicacy performed the piano part of the magnificent D minor Trio Op.49 by Mendelssohn, three little pieces by Wely, Mayer and Prudent, and the great but difficult composition by Schulhoff “Souvenir de la grande Bretagne”’. The fellow participants in the trio were listed, as was Miss Weiß, ‘whose resonant alto we have already often had the opportunity to admire’ and who performed ‘with diligence and grace’ Kücken’s ‘Mädchen v. Juda’ and two songs by Hölzl [Hölzel] and Gumbert.’
Neither the above source nor the review, signed ‘V.’, that was published by Bohemia 21/2/1854, specified the venue of the concert. Fritz’s first concert that took place on 12th February was not covered by the newspaper Der Tagesbote.