Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Event title:

Concert given by the violinist Köckert

Venue: Konvikt

Event type: Art music culture

Date: 05/11/1854 12noon

Benefactor: Köckert,Adolph

Programme comprising:

General participants:
  • MEYER, Marie Louise: soloist, v
  • BENNEWITZ, Antonín: soloist, vl
  • WEBER, Jan: soloist, va
  • PAULUS, Alfred: soloist, va
  • GOLTERMANN, Julius: soloist, vc
  • KÖCKERT, Adolph: soloist, vl
MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY, Felix : String Quintet, 2vl, 2va, vc, A major, op.18
     • Bennewitz, Antonín : vl II Paulus, Alfred : va Weber, Jan : va Goltermann, Julius : vc Köckert, Adolph : vl
MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY, Felix : song [Lied] Auf der Wanderschaft no.5 from 6 songs [Sechs Lieder], v,pf, nr.5, B minor, op.71
     • Meyer, Marie Louise :
MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY, Felix : song [Lied] Frühlingslied no.2 from 6 songs [Sechs Lieder], v, pf, nr.2, A major, op.71
     • Meyer, Marie Louise :
SPOHR, Louis : Concerto for violin and orchestra In modo di scena cantante, vl, orch, nr.8, A minor, op.47
     • Köckert, Adolph : vl
REINECKE, Carl : song [Gesang] Die Nachtigallen no. 3 from 5 songs [Fünf Gesänge], v, pf, nr.3, op.59
     • Meyer, Marie Louise : v
SCHUBERT, Franz Peter : song [Lied] Willkommen und Abschied, v, pf, nr.1, C major, op.56, D767
     • Meyer, Marie Louise : v
KÖCKERT, Adolph : Partie variations [Partie variationen] Chant patriotique hollandais varié, vl, [orch / pf?]
     • Köckert, Adolph : vl


Advance news that Köckert was to give a concert in Prague was first published by Mercy’s Anzeiger 18/10/1854 in a report that noted the intention of Köckert to give a ‘musical matinée’ in the Konvikt Hall on 5th November. Der Tagesbote 22/10/1854 reported that Mr Köckert would open the year’s new concert season with a concert arranged in the Konvikt Hall on 5th November. Also participating would be ‘our celebrated Primadonna, Miss Meyer.’

Mercy’s Anzeiger 3/11/1854, drawing attention to its providing very early news about such musical events, reported that: ‘Mr Adolf Köckert’s Concert, to which we have already once referred, is scheduled for 5th November at 12 noon. It will take place in the Konvikt Hall and will present very attractive pieces. We list the programme as follows: „1. Quintet by Mendelssohn (A major op.18), performed by Messrs Prof. Goltermann, Paulus, Weber, Benewitz [Bennewitz] and the concert-giver. 2.a) Auf der Wanderschaft by Lenau, Frühlingslied by Klingemann, composed Mendelssohn, performed by Miss Louise Meyer. 3. „Ottavo Concerto in modo di scena cantate“ for the violin, composed by L. Spohr, performed by the concert-giver. 4.a) Die Nachtigallen, by Eichendorff, composed by Karl Reinecke. b) Abschied, by Göthe, composed by Schubert, performed by Miss Louise Meyer. 5. „Chant patriotique hollandais varié“ for the violin, composed and performed by the concert-giver. “ The newspaper was certainly up-to-date in its coverage, a day later on 4/11/1854 Der Tagesbote reported in somewhat less detail that ‘Tomorrow at noon takes place the concert of the laudably renowned violin virtuoso Mr Köckert. Our Primadonna, Miss Luise [Louise] Meyer and Messrs Prof. Goltermann, Paulus, Weber [certainly the violinist Jan Weber who in the 1850s performed in string quartet entertainments with Goltermann, Paulus and Bennewitz] and Bennewitz have promised the concert-giver that they will participate.’ On the day of the concert
Mercy’s Anzeiger 5/11/1854 reported that ‘Today at 12 noon is the concert of the violin virtuoso Mr Adolph Köckert.’

The Czech-language periodical Lumír 4/11/1854 reported that ‘Tomorrow at 12 noon the well-known violinist Mr Adolf Köckert will give a concert in the Konvikt Hall. Programme is as follows: I. Quintetto of Mendelssohn (A major) performed by Messrs Professor Goltermann, Paulus, Weber, Benevic and the concert-giver. - II. Miss Mayerová [Meyer] will sing two songs, by Lenau and Klingemann, set to music by Mendelssohn. - III. Ottavo Concerto in modo di scena cantante. For violin composed by L. Spohr, performed by the concert-giver. IV. Song. Two compositions, one to words of Eichendorf by Karl Reinecke, other to words of Göthe by Schubert, performed by Miss Meyerová. - V. Chant patriotique hollandais varié. For violin composed and performed by the concert-giver.’

Mercy’s Anzeiger 6/11/1854 published a review of this concert, the text being preceded with the signature mark of a triangle, ‘Δ’. The critic, evidently unimpressed with the violinist’s abilities, reported: ‘(Concert of the violinist Mr Ad. Köckert on 5th November in the Konvikt Hall). Mendelssohn’s Quintet op.18 opened this, the concert-giver playing the first [violin] part with a satisfying fluency, although his tone was not so great, his performance not so energetic as to dominate the ensemble or to lend appropriate expression to this spirited composition. Messrs Prof. Goltermann, Benewitz [Bennewitz], Paulus and Weber took the other parts, in the difficult Scherzo their ensemble playing being particularly doughty. Spohr’s 8th Concerto „in modo di scena cantante“ required an energy in bowing, stamina, accuracy and slickness of playing as Mr Köckert is not yet equal to; the poor impression of this performance upon the so favourably disposed audience was therefore easily explicable, still more so too in the feebleness of effect of an inadequate piano accompaniment. The soloist was most successful in one of his own compositions Variationen über ein holländisches Nationallied“ in which he impressed with his accurate performace of flageolet double-stopping. After the applause and curtain-calls had ceased the song performances of Miss Meyer were the highlight of this concert; she sang two Lieder by Mendelssohn then one each by Reinecke and Schubert, adding after the unanimous applause a Lied by Mendelssohn. The attendance was not numerous.’

A review, signed ‘P.’, of the concert was published by Der Tagesbote 7/11/1854. This described the programme and Köckert’s playing, and also commented critically on Spohr’s Concerto In modo di scena cantante. Miss Meyer gave songs by Mendelssohn and Schubert in between and after Mendelssohn’s String Quintet Op.18 and the concerto, and at once gave an unspecified encore upon the wishes of the audience. She was followed by Köckert performing a ‘Partie Variationen’ of his own composition that was noted to contain all manner of the most exorbitant technical difficulties. The participation of Bennewitz, Goltermann, Paulus and Weber in the quintet was confirmed. The hall was described as not being particularly full.

Summary of sources:

Mercy's Anzeiger für Böhmen (18/10/1854)
Tagesbote aus Böhmen (22/10/1854)
Mercy's Anzeiger für Böhmen (03/11/1854)
Tagesbote aus Böhmen (04/11/1854)
Lumír (04/11/1854)
Mercy's Anzeiger für Böhmen (05/11/1854)
Mercy's Anzeiger für Böhmen (06/11/1854)
Tagesbote aus Böhmen (07/11/1854)