Venue: Žofín Island (Žofín Hall)
Event type: Art music culture
Date: 15/05/1854 4pm
Mercy’s Anzeiger 11/5/1854 reported that on ‘Monday 15/5/1854 the Žofín Academy gives for the Name-day of Her Royal Highness the Archduchess Sophie in the Hall of Žofín Island a great concert.’ The programme to the concert was then listed along with the participating soloists.
The supplement 20 of the Czech-language arts periodical Lumír 1854, published on 13/5/1854 reported that the ‘Žofín Academy arranges on Monday 15th May to celebrate the nameday of its Patroness the Archduchess Žofie a great concert on Žofín.’
Details of this event, including its date, time, venue, programme and participating soloists were published by Der Tagesbote 12/5/1854. On 14/5/1854 the same newspaper published a correction to the programme listed by it on 12/4/1854, stating that Weber’s Overture to Euryanthe would be performed instead of his Jubel Overture as previously noted. The same news was published by Mercy’s Anzeiger 15/5/1854.