Venue: Žofín Island (Žofín Hall)
Event type: Art music culture
Date: 27/04/1854 4.30pm
Advance news of this event was published by Tagesbote aus Böhmen on 25/4/1854. The source reported the date, time and venue of the concert, and listed the programme and participating soloists. The opening work of the concert by Karl Haslinger would have been included on account of the recent marriage of the young Franz Joseph, and had previously been advertised in the newspaper as having just been published for piano arrangement. The composition by Skuherský was noted to be being performed from manuscript; the two extracts from Rienzi were being given ‘for the first time’. The declamations in David’s Die Wüste [Le désert] were to be performed by Mr Fischer.
A review of this event was published by Tagesbote aus Böhmen 29/4/1854. The source listed the programme in the order in which they were given and then described the individual works and/or their performances. Of the opening overture the correspondent was dismissive, suggesting that effectively hiding behind the suggested inspiration of the work from the celebration of the recent royal wedding, the composer showed impertinence in presenting such ‘misery’ before a ‘very worthy gathering... and educated public’. Of the two numbers from Rienzi only the first was thought to be ‘grateful’. Both were considered to be too long, although the first was ‘improved by the performance of Mr Reichel... [whose] charm, power and delicacy of voice was worthy of acknowledgement’. The singing of Miss Dittrich in the duo ‘we can term successful [with respect to its being her debut performance].’ Skuherský’s chorus ‘bolstered... [our] understanding that the composer surely possesses great talent, but this is [still] in the process of fermentation. May abstract aesthetic principles be victorious over all temptations for modern effects and experimental music [in his development as a composer], his strivings will then bring into the light of day fresh and poetic works.’ Finally, ‘the performance of Die Wüste [Le désert] (which for us was really the green oasis of this occasion), deserved the highest praise. The choir, orchestra and soloists performed as one entity, to their full credit expounding the fresh beauty of this justly celebrated tone poem. The success of the performance was said to have been reflected in the stormy applause following most numbers of the tone-picture. Mr Fischer narrated the story with a sonorous voice.’