Venue: Žofín Island (Žofín Hall)
Event type: Art music culture
Date: 28/03/1854 4.30pm
Season: Lent
Tagesbote aus Böhmen 25/3/1854 published news of this event, relating that ‘Members of the Žofín Academy will give their first concert [of the season] on 28th March at 4.30pm in the Žofín Island Hall under the direction of their Music Director.’ The programme was then listed.
An unsigned review of this event was published by Tagesbote aus Böhmen 30/3/1854. The correspondent noted that among the novelties performed by the Žofín Academy was a ‘Sonntag-Chor [lit. Sunday chorus] by Ferd. Hiller, a composition in a worthy style even if not of astonishing originality, also „des Knaben Berglied“ by Mr Vogl, clear, successful in declamation and characteristic, as we expect from a composition by this master.’ The male-voice chorus Cikání, ‘whose charming tenor solo with accompaniment of humming voices was splendidly given by Mr Stäger [possibly Steger]’ was thought to have been a rather commonplace composition. ‘In Miss Soukup [Soukupová] we became acquainted with a very accomplished singer.’ Several numbers of the ‘interesting’ programme had to be encored; the performances by the Žofín Academy were thought to demonstrate the pleasing progress being made by this Institute.