Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Event title:

Musical trial to the forthcoming Benefit ball in aid of the St Batholomew Poor House

Venue: Žofín Island (Žofín Hall)

Event type: Rehearsals and music trials

Date: 19/02/1854 4pm

Season: Carnival

Beneficiary: Prague Institute for the Poor [St Bartholomew Poor House]

Programme including:

General participants:
  • ensemble of Infantry Regiment of Prince Gustav von Wasa: participating ensemble
  • SVOBODA, František Václav: director of ensemble
SVOBODA, František Václav : waltz Prager Früchteln, orch
MICHL, František : polka La Coquette, orch
SVOBODA, František Václav : quadrille Christinen-Quadrille, orch
SACHER, ? : galop Rendezvous
STRAUSS, Johann Baptist : Polka Neuhauser-Polka, op.137
STRAUSS, Johann Baptist : dance Wiener Punsch-Lieder, orch, op.131
MICHL, František : galop Der Courmacher, orch
CHRISTEN, Robert : quadrille Elisabeth, orch
LUKR, Václav A. : Polka Veilchen-Polka, orch
BINDER, ? : galop Faßbinder, orch


Advance news of this event was published by Tagesbote aus Böhmen 17/2/1854. This reported that the musical trial to the ball arranged on Carnival Monday [Faschingsmontag] for the benefit of the St Bartholomew Poor House would take place on Sunday afternoon [19th February] in the Žofín Hall. The programme was noted to include 5 new dance compositions: La Coquette, Polka; Courmacher, Galopp by Michel [Michl]; Rendezvous-Galopp by Sacher; Elisabeth-Quadrille by Christen; Faßbinder-Galopp by Binder. ‘The production of these novelties, the circumstance that is the last ball-music trial of this year’s carnival, and the charitable cause for which the profits are destined, leads us to anticipate that this musical festival will have a numerous attendance.’

Mercy’s Anzeiger 17/2/1854 published an advertisement titled ‘Musical trial [Musik-probe]’ announcing that on Sunday 19th February at 4pm there would take place a musical trial to the Ball to be given on 27th February for the benefit of the St Bartholomew Poor House. ‘The musical pieces will be performed by the splendid band of Wasa’s Infantry Regiment no.60 under the personal leadership of Kapellmeister Swoboda [Svoboda].’ The programme was then listed. On behalf of the committee for the arrangement of this benefit event the advertisement was signed by Josef Geitler and Franz Ellenberger. The programme is listed in the database event record above in the order given in this source. This advertisement was repeated by Mercy’s Anzeiger on 18/2/1854.

Bohemia 17/2/1854 also published news of this event, relating its date, time, venue and beneficiary, and noting that performing would be the band of the Infantry Regiment Prince Wasa under the direction of Kapellmeister Swoboda [Svoboda].

The ball itself took place on 27/2/1854.

Summary of sources:

Tagesbote aus Böhmen (17/02/1854)
Bohemia (17/02/1854)
Mercy's Anzeiger für Böhmen (17/02/1854)
Mercy's Anzeiger für Böhmen (18/02/1854)