Venue: Konvikt
Event type: Art music culture
Date: 19/03/1854 12noon
Season: Carnival
Lumír 9/3/1854 published advance news of this concert in a report giving general details of the post-Carnival concert season. The correspondent reported ‘The concert season promises us much of interest... on 19th March a concert of Professor Goltermann, in which the Miss Mayrová [Louise Meyer] of Prague appears for the first time as a concert singer, and a concerto by the well-known violinist Mr Adolf Köckert.’
Tagesbote aus Böhmen 16/2/1854 announced that Mr Goltermann was arranging a concert in the Konvikt Hall on 19th March. No further details of the event were noted. On 19/3/1854 the newspaper reported that ‘The interesting concert of Mr Goltermann takes place today at 12 noon in the Konvikt Hall.’
The Czech-language periodical Lumír reported in its supplement dated 18/3/1854 that ‘Tomorrow at 12 noon will be in the Konvikt [Hall] the great concert of our excellent ’cellist Professor Goltermann, in which Miss Mayrová [Meyer] will also be participating. The programme is very interesting and a numerous audience may with complete certainty be expected. The tale of Professor Goltermann and his alleged retirement to Frankbrod [Německý Brod] has for some time become the subject of tittle-tattle in Prague journals, just as previously for some time has been the English story of an enormous sea snake and [in the German] the flogging off of the lordship of Mužak. We are sincerely pleased that this news about Goltermann’s retirement from Prague is completely untrue.’
A review, unsigned, of this concert was published by Tagesbote aus Böhmen 20/3/1854. The source remarked that ‘The concert yesterday by Mr Julius Goltermann, equally highly renowned as artist and professor of the violoncello, was a fragrant bloom in the rich garland of our local concerts.’ His performance of the Adagio religioso by Karl Arnold was noted to have ben particularly expressive, with the reviewer relating that his playing impressed the public not solely on account of his ability to overcome the technical difficulty of the works given. The ‘charming performance’ of the singer Miss Louise Meyer was noted to have elevated the event to still greater heights. ‘She sang several Lieder and delighted the assembly through the astonishing power of her voice and depth of feeling. We recognized in her a magnificent Lieder-singer, a Lieder-singer second to none in Prague.’