Venue: Žofín Island (Žofín Hall)
Event type: Art music culture
Date: 04/01/1854
Season: Carnival
Krombholz Foundation [der Krombholzischen Stiftung]
Bohemia 3/1/1854 published a report, signed ‘z.’, that ‘Tomorrow 4th January will take place in the Hall of Žofín Island a concert for the benefit of Krombholz’s Foundation for Ill Students [Krombholz’schen Studenten-Krankenbett-Stiftung], during which will be performed in the first part an Overture to Uriel Acosta by Schindelmeisser and in the second the D major Symphony by Mozart. The ladies Miss Wagner [Wagnerová], Weiß [Weissová], Bracht [Brachtová], Janda [Jandová], Ferstel [Ferstelová], and the gentlemen Professor Pisařowitz [Pisařovic], Goltermann, Schmid and Pollner will participate.’ The following issue of this newspaper, Bohemia 4/1/1854, listed the complete programme for the concert in projected performance order: ‘I Part. 1. Ouverture zu „Uriel Accosta [Uriel Acosta]“ of Schindelmeisser (New). 2. „Ständchen“ by Fr. Schubert, perf. by Miss Janda, Bracht, Wagner, Ferstel and Weiss, at the piano accompanied by Mr W.B. Mayer (new). 3. Grand Trio by Beethoven, performed by Jos. Pollner and Messrs Profs. Jul. Pisařowitz and Jul. Goltermann (after his Septet arranged as a Trio and being played here for the first time). 4. „U hrobu matky“ [At Mother’s grave] by Pelikán, set to music by F.A. Vogl, performed by Miss Wagner and Weiss (new). 3. „Der letzte Skalde“ of Geibel, set into music by F.Z. Skuhersky, performed by Dr. Schmied (new). - II Part. Ninth Symphonie in D major by Mozart.’ From the description given by this report, the so-called ninth symphony in D major by Mozart was the Prague Symphony, no.38.
A review of this concert was published by Bohemia 5/1/1854. The correspondent described the various numbers of the concert, beginning with the Overture by Schindelmeisser, ‘a composition, that can make as much claim to be considered a proficient, routine work as a stimulating, original work of art.’ In place of the programmed Trio the original version of the Septet was to have been performed in the concert. The correspondent noted however that only the first movement was given on account of Pisařowitz [Pisařovic] falling ill. In addition to ‘F. Schubert’s „Ständchen“ for solo alto (Miss Janda) and two sopranos (Bracht) and Wagner, and two altos (Weiß and Ferstel), that was very pleasingly performed, two native novelties were also given. F.A. Vogl’s „U hrobu matky“... which Misses Wagner and Weiß had to encore, [and] Skuhersky’s composition „Der letzte Skalde“ for bass voice and orchestral accompaniment. [The latter] faithfully followed the words of Geibel and in its orchestration included many an effective, talented stroke’, although the lyrical-epic setting for one solo voice was not considered to be wholly satisfactory. The singer Schmied encored the work. ‘The conclusion to this very numerously attended production was made by what is known as Mozart’s ninth Symphony in D [K504], played by the Theatre orchestra under the direction of Kapellmeister Tauwitz.’
Bohemia 8/1/1854 relayed news attributed to Prager Zeitung that the Emperor Ferdinand had this year, as every year, donated 100fl to the Concert Committee of this event for the benefit of the Krombholz Foundation.
An unsigned review of this event was published by the Czech arts periodical Lumír 12/1/1854. The correspondent related that ‘Among the regular past Prague concerts are always very interesting those arranged by the student committee to benefit the Krombholc Foundation for ill students, particularly those from the period of their being led by kapelní mistr [Kapellmeister] Mr Tauvic [Tauwitz]. This year’s concert again had a good and new programme, the execution of which was for the most part very successful and in places excellent. The opening item, Overture to Gutzkov’s tragedy „Uriel Akosta [Uriel Acosta]“ composed by Schindelmeiszer [Schindelmeisser], a solid and dignified composition. Seven artists of our local theatre orchestra, among them Messrs Mildner, Pisařovic, Golterman and Janatka, masterfully performed Beethoven’s great Septet in its original greater form, unfortunately however it could not be performed complete for Professor Pisařovic in the middle of the performance became so ill that he could not continue. The vocal items were laudably presented by the best soloists of the Estates Theatre, Misses Jandova, Wagnerova and Brachtova and the gentleman Dr Schmied and the talented amateur Miss Weissova. Of the songs the best liked compositions were by the two Czech composers: „U hrobu matky“ to a poem of Pelikán by prof. Vogl and „Poslední skald“ by Skuherský, the able pupil of director Kittl. Both of these compositions had to be encored on the request of the enthusiatic audience. The closing number was Mozart’s ninth Symphony in D [major], performed well by the theatre orchestra.’ That the Czech-language journal titled all of the works in Czech was not an indication of the language of their performance. However, the patriotically Czech indication of the correspondent that the two songs by Czech composers were favourite items in the programme suggests that these works were also performed in Czech.
The three unspecified players in the performance of the first movement of Beethoven’s Septet were not specified by the review, although the Lumír review did indicate that the players were all members of the [Estates] Theatre orchestra.
Der Tagesbote 17/1/1854 reported that Tauwitz had received from the committee of the Krombholz Foundation an album as thanks for directing this concert.