Venue: Konvikt
Event type: Popular social musical and dance events
Date: 07/02/1854 11am
Season: Carnival
Tagesbote aus Böhmen 15/1/1854 published news that during the Carnival season Mr Feigert would present five [dance-]reunions in the Konvikt Hall on 24th and 31st January, and on 7th, 14th and 21st February. The events were thought to be particularly interesting on account of the entrepreneur arranging at each occasion a national dance in costume, as well as producing his own contredanse La Madrilena. On 4th February the newspaper reported that in the third of these annual Reunions a dance divertissement would be given in which Feigert’s daughters Friederike and Marie would participate ‘as little rivals of Señora Pepita’ [als kleine Rivalinen der Señora Pepita]. On the previous Tuesday they were noted to have gained considerable applause for dancing the ‘Madrilena’ and ‘El Olé’. ‘Rivalen’ referred to the two dancers impersonating the then famed Spanish dancer Pepita.
Mercy’s Anzeiger 5/2/1854 published an advertisement for this event announcing: ‘By general demand! Dance-Divertissement 11o’clock precisely. Feigert’s third and Benefit-Reunion of the two little Pepitas takes place on Tuesday 7th February in the Konvikt Hall ... Friederike Feigert will dance the Madrilena, Marie Feigert the El Ole in costume and in faithful impersonation of Sennora [Señora] Pepita.’ The advertisement was published again by this newspaper on 7/2/1854.