Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Event title:

First dance-reunion arranged by Feigert

Venue: Konvikt

Event type: Popular social musical and dance events

Date: 24/01/1854

Season: Carnival

Programme unspecified [see commentary]:

General participants:
  • FEIGERT, Friedrich: dance master


Tagesbote aus Böhmen 15/1/1854 published news that during the Carnival season Mr Feigert would present five [dance-]reunions in the Konvikt Hall on 24th and 31st January, and on 7th, 14th and 21st February. The events were thought to be particularly interesting on account of the entrepreneur arranging at each occasion a national dance in costume, as well as producing his own contredanse La Madrilena.

A review, unsigned, of the first of this series of events was published by Tagesbote aus Böhmen 29/1/1854. This reported that ‘The first reunion of Mr Feigert which took place in the Konvikt Hall on Tuesday 24th January was very numerously attended, and demonstrated again that the enterprises of this gentleman provide such pleasurable Carnival entertainments.’ The company left the Hall in the early hours of the following day.

Summary of sources:

Tagesbote aus Böhmen (15/01/1854)
Tagesbote aus Böhmen (29/01/1854)