Venue: Main State Railway Station [now Masarykovo nádraží]
Event type: State or civil events
Date: 14/06/1851 8.45
Season: Summer
The Lokalzeitung section of Bohemia 15/6/1851 reported that on 14th June at 8pm there assembled at the railway station the Archduke Leopold and civil and military officials to receive Her Majesty the Queen Mother Karoline. After arriving at the station at 8.45 she departed 15 minutes later to Theresienstadt [Terezín], evidently en route visit Ploškovice to visit her son the deposed Emperor Ferdinand. The report noted that in the hall of the stations there paraded an unspecified company of Grenadiers, and an unspecified band played the Volkshymn in the arrival and departure of the Queen.