Venue: Platýz
Event type: Art music culture
Date: 29/04/1851 5pm
Information about the date, time and venue of this concert by Köckert was listed in the Tagesanzeiger texts of Bohemia 27/4/1851 and 29/4/1851. In a report, signed ‘V.’, that was published in the Lokalzeitung section of Bohemia 27/4/1851outlining the critical reception abroad of leading graduates of the Prague Conservatory, news was also given of Köckert’s concert in Prague on 29th April. The programme was to include a composition by Molique not hitherto performed in the city, and one of Köckert’s own works, a ‘Phantasie über ein kroatisches Lied’.
Bohemia 29/4/1851 published news of this concert, giving its date, time, venue, programme and participating soloists.
A detailed review, signed ‘V.’, of this concert was published by Bohemia 1/5/1851. This began by noting that Köckert had already shown himself to be ‘a gifted virtuoso on this most beautiful of instruments’ in both his performances of concert pieces and through his participation in the chamber music soirées given during the previous season. The occasion was also said to mark his farewell concert upon leaving his position in the Estates Theatre orchestra, with the event attracting a ‘quite numerous attendance at the Platteyßsaal despite the inconvenient hour’. A positive description of the violinist’s performance then followed, relating how he had chosen demanding works particularly suited to exploiting a ‘great and pithy tone’. His own composition was designed to show ‘his technical ability and at the same time tasteful virtuosity. The applause for this modern, more than difficult concert piece was deservedly loud.’
Lumír 1/5/1851 reported that ‘Mr Adolf Kökert [Köckert], member of the Prague theatre orchestra and doughty virtuoso is now leaving Prague and the day before yesterday performed in the Platejs Hall [Platýz] for the last time prior to his departure [from Prague]. We enjoyed most of all [of the pieces he played] his Fantasie on Croatian folksong themes, which in Zagreb (which he will travel to over a few days), created a great furore.’ Of the other performers in the concert, Miss Schwarz [Švarcová] sang ‘a favourite Lied “In dem Augen liegt” by G. Hölzel and after many curtain-calls another work of similar Viennese Quality [von gleicher Wiener Qualität]; Brzorád [gave] a characteristic, but for a listener who was unaware of the text almost rhapsodic “Beduinenromanze” by Vogl and Reissiger’s ... “beiden Grenadiere” similarly with applause. Considered to be ‘equally worthy’ of the concert in both their performance and in their contribution to the overall programme were the chamber items of two arrangements for violoncello. In the second of these, Schubert’s song Ave Maria, the ‘soulful song of the melody, in particular at the second repetition in the upper octave, was of exceptional effect. Mr Julius Goltermann, whose virtuosity we have already before noted, proved himself ... [to be] a magnificent singer and master of this instrument.’ Goltermann, Schwarz [Švarcová] and Brzorád were ‘very properly and with delicacy accompanied at the piano’ by Mr Hock.