Venue: Žofín Island (Žofín Hall)
Event type: Rehearsals and music trials
Date: 26/12/1850 4pm
Prague Private Institute for the Education and Well-being of Poor Blind Children
Advance news for this event was published by Bohemia 24/12/1850, reporting that ‘On the second day of the Christmas festival (26th December) takes place in the Žofín Hall a musical trial to the Society Ball on Sunday 2nd February for the benefit of the Private-, Education- and Well-being Institute for Poor Blind Children [Privat- Erziehungs- und Heilinstituts für arme blinde Kinder].’ Admission to the trial would commence at 4pm. The event was also listed in the Tageszanzeiger text of Bohemia 24/12/1850.