Venue: Žofín Island (Žofín Hall)
Event type: State or civil events
Date: 24/12/1850 12noon
Season: Advent
Society for the Well-being of Needy Children
News of the annual Christbaumfest, an annual Prague social gathering and entertainment for young children arranged by the Society for the Well-being of Needy Children, appeared in an advance report appearing in Bohemia 19/12/1850. This specified the date, time and venue of the occasion, and noted that everyone would be welcome as a guest. No mention was made as to whether the programme included any performance of music. The Tagesanzeiger texts of Bohemia 22/12/1850 and 24/12/1850 gave the date, time and venue of the event.
A post-event report of this festival was published in the Lokalzeitung section of Bohemia 27/12/1850. The text related that 100 children had been gathered by the organizing Society and assembled in the Žofín Hall at 12 noon. Also present was a ‘quiet numerous [ziemlich zahlreiches] public’. Gifts for the individual children were laid out on a long table, adorned with many Christmas trees. A reading in Czech was given by the pastor, following which a little girl recited a thank you, also in Czech. The presents were then distributed. The text then described the social occasion in detail and proceded to comment upon the organizing society and its work. No information was given about the event containing any form of musical enterainment or performance.