Venue: Konvikt
Event type: Popular social musical and dance events
Date: 26/11/1850
Poor children of the parish of the Týn Church
This event, described as ‘Beseda for the benefit of poor children of the Týn parish’ was listed by the Tagesanzeiger text of Bohemia 26/11/1850 as taking place on the evening of Tuesday 26th November in the Konvikt Hall. No further details were published by the newspaper.
The term ‘Beseda’ was used throughout the 1850s to describe a social gathering for entertainment. As the decade progressed such gatherings might include musical content. A report published in Bohemia 1/12/1850 described this particular Beseda for the benefit of poor schoolchildren in the Týn parish, but did not state whether the occasion contained any practical music making. The event, specifically described as a ‘böhm. Beseda’ indicating specifically Czech-orientated content, was said to have been numerously attended, and featured the local dilettant Mr Pazděra ‘of great acclaim in the sphere of the production of the eskamoteur’s [comedian’s] art and in natural magic.’