Venue: Konvikt
Event type: Popular social musical and dance events
Date: 17/11/1850 pm
Prague Reformatory for Young Offenders
Advance news of this event was published in a report appearing in Bohemia 15/11/1850. This noted that on Sunday 17th November will take place a rehearsal for the Ball Festival which Mr Ullmann, former owner of the Konvikt Hall, arranges on 20th November for the benefit of the Reformatory for Young Offenders. The text also related the participating ensemble under the personal direction of their Kapellmeister Mr Whit, and that the programme would include pieces composed for the 1851 Carnival by Mathilde Ringelsberg. These were stated to have been successfully performed on the previous Tuesday in the Žofín Hall at a Fahnenweih-Balle [Consecration of the Flag Ball].
The musical trial to take place on Sunday 17th November was listed in the Tagesanzeiger text of Bohemia 15/11/1850.
The compositions alluded to by the report were almost certainly works comprising Ringelsberg’s Potpourri Telegraphe di Carneval 1851, either the Potpourri itself or its constituent dances.