Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Event title:

Musical entertainment entitled 'a musical Rendezvous [ein musikalisches Rendezvous]' with music given by ensemble of the Infantry Regiment of Baron Wohlgemuth

Venue: Apollo Hall (Apollo Hall)

Event type: Popular social musical and dance events

Date: 10/11/1850

Programme unspecified:

General participants:
  • ensemble of Infantry Regiment of Count Wohlgemuth: participating ensemble


Information about this event was given by an advertisement published in Bohemia 8/11/1850. The source stated that on ‘Sunday, 10th November takes place in the newly built and with gas lighting elegantly furnished Apollo Hall in Gerstengasse nos.530 and 531, a musical Rendezvous by the ensemble of the Imperial Infantry Regiment of Baron von Wohlgemuth.’ No details of the content of the event were related by the source.

Summary of sources:

Bohemia, ein Unterhaltungsblatt (08/11/1850)