Venue: Waldstein Palace [Valdštejnský palác] (Waldstein Hall [Knights Hall])
Event type: Popular social musical and dance events
Date: 26/10/1850 5pm
Fire victims in Chrudim
Advance information about this event was published by Bohemia 24/10/1850 in a report stating that on 26th October at 5pm a great ‘Koncert-Soirée’ for the benefit of Chrudim would take place in Count Waldstein’s Palace. No further details of the occasion were given by the source. Details of the date, venue and time of the event were published in the Tagesanzeiger texts of Bohemia 24/10/1850 and 25/10/1850. Prager Zeitung 26/10/1850 announced that ‘Today will take place in the Hall of Count Waldstein’s Palace a great Concert-Soirée for the benefit of fire-damaged Chrudim.’
A review, signed ‘V.’, of this concert appeared in Bohemia 29/10/1850. This began by noting how the noble cause of the occasion, coupled with the appearance of the ‘favourite’ band of Wimpffen’s Artillery Regiment under its ‘meritorious’ Kapellmeister Emil Whit had led the critic to eagerly anticipate this event. However, while the correspondent related that he had no objection against additional instrumental resources participating in orchestral pieces originally cast for more sparse forces, such as in an Italian work, ‘an improved and augemented edition of the Don Juan Overture [Don Giovanni] with modern instrumental effects seemed for Prague a little questionable’. This was perhaps thought thought to be a reason why the audience reacted coldly to the work, which made up the first item of the programme. However, ‘neither the concertante variations for the euphonion [euphonium], nor the male-voice chorus, nor the very animated overture to the opera “Die Teranerin”, nor the aria given by the favourite of other venues Cestari, [none of these] disturbed the weird quiescence of the audience. Even F. Wawrva [Vávra] who sang with dramatic colour an aria from Rossini’s Semiramis [Semiramide] and then the Czech folksongs “Slib [Promise]” and “Obět diwčí [Oběť dívčí - Girlish sacrifice]”, gained applause on the level of Nordic’. The Hall was reported to have been ‘moderately full [mäßig gefüllt].’